PipingHMI99" is a viewer and a visual designer of the User Interfaces of the IoT based automation projects. It is used for accessing the automation data from the devices such as "Raspberry PI", Windows PC or from PLCs, supporting IP protocols.
With it you can create and watch in real time the mimic diagram on the tablets and desktops. The SQLite DB for the charts data local saving and retrieving is used.
"PipingHMI99" application has the restriction on the maximum number of edited symbols which is 99.
The app "Help" file contains the examples and the instructions how to configure Raspberry PI for the communication with “pipingHMI99” application, using HTTP, HTTPS and MQTT over WebSocket protocols. The source code samples for the both sides of data exchange are included.
The application provides the original means to speed up the design of the piping mimic diagrams by giving them "smart" ability to position and to interconnect the piping symbols automatically.
Canvas based, the internally "wired", pipeline graphics provides the automatic transition of the color indexes through the "open" pipelines and allows automatic coloring of these pipelines.
The embedded Process Simulation is a useful feature, which from the point of programmer view can greatly facilitates:
⦁ debugging PLC software ;
⦁ conducting factory acceptance (FAT) test;
⦁ training and testing the programmers of PLCs in an environment as close to real time;